How best to fill in the anxious days awaiting the arrival of
“the copy edit”?
(And we all know how much fun copy edits and track changes are!) |
It’s been a while since I saw the book but the arrival of a
cover concept a couple of days ago has whetted the appetite. (No, sadly cannot share but suffice to say I was VERY EXCITED.)
Clever PsyOps
publisher, well played, sir, well played.
So, what to do …. well, I’ve decided to pull out this and
have a re-read
It’s the original notebook stuffed with ideas about plot and
characters, interviews with experts, bits of dialogue, scenes, scraps of news
of the era, my original scribble-it-down space.
Just what were my original thoughts, plans, goals,
ambitions, obsessions?
It’s always interesting to see what sparked the idea of the
book. And at this stage, years and drafts down the track, to see what is still
there, what was deliberately abandoned and, more interestingly, what might have
got lost along the way as you battled to shape those ideas into something
approaching a story and got side-tracked.
It’s like clearing up the desk, unearthing that long lost note you wrote to yourself from the past about where you
planned to go, and then checking to see how close you are to that originally
imagined destination.
I'm a fan of
the notebook, so I’ve also pulled out the one I've been using for the next book, already
groaning with the same flotsam and jetsam and bits of story, and already
knowing what ideas are not going to work, and what ideas will replace them, and what I discover as I work again on this book.
In between the structural edit and the approaching copy edit
I have been occupying myself with writing some shorter pieces in various places and in different forms.
I’ve also been exploring the genre of crime fiction and some issues that have been disturbing me.
The essay examines the seemingly unstoppable rise and rise of misogynistic crime fiction in which the
predominate role for women appears to be that of corpse.
The collection is an Australian iteration of the classic TV series
The Twilight Zone.
I know! How could I resist!
And after I finish this copy edit the challenging of the
short story phobia continues with a couple of projects in the
wind that I can’t yet reveal.
So until the copy edit drops, I shall continue my journey of
re-discovery in the land of the notebooks, AND prepare for a quick jaunt to
Brisbane for
GenreCon 2013
And I’m mega-excited to be on a panel with
See you on the other side of the copy edit – or in Brisbane.