Friday, May 28, 2010

The Old School - The Book Trailer

Inside every author is there a film director trying to get out?

I don't know, but I have noticed that a lot of books these days come out with short movie trailers.

Now, as I have a slightly geeky side, a penchant for taking photos and access to a brother who knows his way around Final Cut Express I thought to myself, hey - how hard could it be?

As it turns out, quite tricky. It meant mastering the basics of what is a very, very, very cool and complex bit of software.

Now, as I'm working on the follow up to The Old School at the moment, I couldn't afford to spend too long on this. So, over the last few days I've rationed myself to a few hours of playing after putting in some solid word time.

But my goodness, it's fun! And, I can only imagine, much quicker once you actually know what you are doing.

Anyway, after a couple of hours of repairing mistakes and polishing it all up last night (the polishing and repairing done by big brother Robert - thank you) - we had a "thing" - a book trailer.

And here it is ... housed at youtube at the moment.


The Old School - The Book Trailer


  1. Very good trailer.
    Great sense of building tension.

  2. Thanks, Copper.
    Nice pun on "building" too. ;-)
